CTC - communities that care

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Evaluationsberichte SPIN-Modellversuch:

1. Zwischenbericht

2. Zwischenbericht

3. Zwischenbericht

4. abschliessender Bericht

Evaluationsbericht zur Einführung von CTC in 5 Kommunen in Niedersachsen 2013-2014

Literaturauswahl Communities That Care- CTC

Arthur, M.W., Blitz, C. (2000):
Bridging the gap between science and practice in drug abuse prevention through needs assesment and strategic community planning. Journal of Community Psychology 28: 241-255 

Arthur, M.W., Hawkins, J.D., Pollard, J.A., Catalano, R.F. and A. J. Baglioni Jr. (2002):
Measuring risk and protective factors for substance use, delinquency, and other adolescent problem behaviors: The Communities That Care Youth Survey. Evaluation Review.26:575-601.

Arthur, M. W., Briney, J.S., Hawkins, J.D., Abbott, R.D., Brooke-Weiss, B.L. and R. F. Catalano (2007):
Measuring risk and protection in communities using the Communities That Care Youth Survey. Evaluation and Program Planning 30:197-211.

Catalano R.F., Arthur M.W., Hawkins J.D., Berglund L., Olson J.J. (1998):
Comprehensive community and school based interventions to prevent antisocial behavior. In R. Loeber & D.P. Farrington (Eds.), Serious and Violent Juvenile Offenders: Risk Factors and Successful Interventions (pp. 248-283). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Catalano, R.F., & Hawkins, J.D. (1996):
The social development model: A theory of antisocial behavior. In J. D. Hawkins (Ed.), Delinquency and Crime: Current theories (pp. 149–197). New York: Cambridge University Press.

Catalano, R.F., Kosterman, R., Hawkins, J.D., Newcomb, M.D., & Abbott, R.D. (1996):
Modeling the etiology of adolescent substance use: A test of the social development model. Journal of Drug Issues, 26, 429-455.

Fagan A., Hanson K., Hawkins J.D., Arthur M.W. (2008):
Implementing Effective Community-Based Prevention Programs in the Youth Development Study. Community Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice; 6; 256

Feinberg, M., Jones, D., Greenberg, M., Osgood, W. (2009):
Evaluation Report: Effects of the Communities That Care Model in Pennsylvania on Change in Youth Risk and Problem Behaviors. Prevention Research Center, Pennsylvania State University.

Glaser, R.R., Van Horn, M.L., Arthur, M.W., Hawkins, J.D. and R. F. Catalano. (2005):
Measurement properties of the Communities That Care Youth Survey across demographic groups. Journal of Quantitative Criminology 21:73-102.

Greenberg, M., Feinberg, M. (2002):
An Evaluation of PCCD's Communities that Care Delinquency Prevention Initiative. Final Report. Pennsylvania State University.

Groeger-Roth, F. (2010):
Wie kann eine effektive Präventionsstrategie auf kommunaler Ebene befördert werden? Der Ansatz von „Communities That Care – CTC“ und ein Modellversuch in Niedersachsen. forum kriminalprävention 4/2010, 4-10

Groeger-Roth, F. (2012):
"Communities That Care - CTC" in der Praxis. Ergebnisse und Erfahrungen aus dem Modellversuch SPIN in Niedersachsen. forum kriminalprävention 3/2012,

Groeger-Roth, F., Hasenpusch, B. (2011):
Die "Grüne Liste Prävention". Effektive und erfolgversprechende Präventionsprogramme im Blick. forum kriminalprävention 4/2011, 52 - 58 

Groeger-Roth, F., Schubert, H. (2012):
"Das kommt aus Amerika, das geht hier nicht..." Erfahrungen mit CTC in Niedersachsen. Kerner, H.-J., Marks, E. (Hrsg.), Internetdokumentation des Deutschen Präventionstages. Hannover 2012

Hawkins, J.D., Arthur, M.W., Catalano, R.F.(1995):
Preventing Substance Abuse, in M. Tonry and D. Farrington: Building a safer society. Strategic approaches to crime prevention. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, p. 343-427  

Hawkins J.D., Catalano R.F., Arthur M.W. (2002):
Promoting science-based prevention in communities. Addictive Behaviors, 27, 951-976.

Hawkins, J.D. (Ed.). (1996):
Delinquency and Crime: Current Theories. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Hawkins, J.D., Weis, J.G. (1985):
The social development model: An integrated approach to delinquency prevention. Journal of Primary Prevention, 6, 73-97.

Hawkins, J.D., Catalano, R.F. & Associates (1992):
Communities That Care: Action For Drug Abuse Prevention. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, Inc.

Hawkins, J.D., Catalano, R.F. (2004):
Communities That Care Prevention Strategies Guide. South Deerfield, MA: Channing Bete

Hawkins, J.D., Catalano, R.F. (2005):
Investing in Your Community's Youth: An Introduction to Communities That Care System, South Deerfield; MA: Channing Bete  

Hawkins, J.D., Van Horn, M.L. and M. W. Arthur (2004):
Community variation in risk and protective factors and substance use outcomes. Prevention Science 5:213-20.

Hawkins, J.D., Catalano, R.F. and J.Y. Miller (1992):
Risk and protective factors for alcohol and other drug problems in adolescence and early adulthood: Implications for substance abuse prevention. Psychological Bulletin 112 (1): 64-105.

Hawkins, J.D., Herrenkohl, T., Farrington, D.P., Brewer, D., Catalano, R.F. and T. W. Harachi (1998):
A review of predictors of youth violence. In Serious and violent juvenile offenders: Risk factors and successful interventions, edited by R. Loeber and D. P. Farrington, 106-146.Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Hawkins, J. D., Herrenkohl, T., Farrington, D.P., Brewer, D., Catalano, R.F., Harachi, T.W. Cother, L. (2000):
Predictors of Youth Violence, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

Hawkins, J.D., Catalano, R.F., Arthur, M.W., Egan, E., Brown, E.C. (2008):
Testing Communities That Care: The Rationale, Design and Behavioral Baseline Equivalence of the Community Youth Development Study. Prevention Science (2008) 9:178–190.

Hawkins, J.D., Oesterle, S., Brown, E.C., Arthur, M.W., Abbott, R.D., Fagan, A.A., & Catalano, R.F. (2009):
Results of a type 2 translational research trial to prevent adolescent drug use and delinquency: A test of Communities That Care. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 163, 789-798

Hawkins, J.D: (1999):
Preventing Crime and Violence through Communities That Care. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, Volume 7, Number 4, 443-458(16)

Jonkman, H., Vergeer, M. (2002):
Communities that Care: Das Prinzip, die Grundlagen und das Ziel. In: Arbeitsstelle Kinder- und Jugendkriminalitätsprävention (Hrsg.) Nachbarn Lernen voneinander. Modelle gegen Jungenddelinquenz in den Niederlanden und in Deutschland. München: Deutsches Jugendinstitut

Jonkman, H. (2007):
Gewaltprävention in den Niederlanden. Auf dem Weg zu einer Politik effektiver Prävention. In: Arbeitsstelle Kinder- und Jugendkriminalitätsprävention und Informationszentrum Kindesmisshandlung/ Kindervernachlässigung (Hrsg.): Early Prevention - Frühe Prävention. Strategien und Erfahrungen aus 12 Ländern, München: Deutsches Jugendinstitut

Jonkman, H., Junger-Tas, J., van Dyk, B. (2005):
From Behind Dikes and Dunes: Communities that Care in the Netherlands. Children & Society Volume 19: 105-116

Jonkman,H., Haggerty, K.P., Steketee, M., Fagan, A.A., Hanson, K., and J.D. Hawkins (2008):
Communities That Care, Core Elements and Context: Research of Implementation in Two Countries. Soc Dev Issues. 30 (3): 42–57.

Pollard, J.A., Hawkins, J.D. and M.W. Arthur (1999):
Risk and protection: Are both necessary to understand diverse behavioral outcomes in adolescence? Social Work Research 23 (8): 145-58